Types of People
A few days ago I found this handout with words
for different types of people that can be great for vocabulary enriching. Your
students should use a dictionary to find what the unfamiliar words mean and
then use the words in sentences. Best thing would be if they could connect the
words to themselves, which is one of the most common affective strategies.
Tell them to use a word that begins with
the capital letter of their names as follows: “I’m Anna and I’m an assessor.”
The rest of the class should describe what an assessor is using a sentence:
“Anna is a person, who…” It could also be done the other way around – a student
describes him-/herself and then the rest of the class has to guess the word.
This can be done in groups and in pairs.
You can find the key to the handout
Do you use affective strategies when
teaching? Does it work?
Thank you very much! Your photos are great :)